Friday, May 9, 2014

Art Show 2014

Some pictures I took at the SHHS Art Show of art work that stood out to me.

From a sketchbook

This last one is my absolute favorite ever, I am in love with it.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Vocab #3

Rhythm: A patterned repetition of a motif.

Directional Movement: The illusion of movement in a two dimensional piece of artwork.

Proportion: Comparative relation between things.

Balance: A state of equilibrium.

Unity: The act of combining multiple units into one.

Harmony: A consistent or pleasant arrangement of parts.

Contrast: A striking exhibition of unlikeness.

Emphasis: Something that is given great stress or importance.

Vocab #2

Line: A long narrow mark or a stroke.

Shape: The quality of an object with an external surface.

Volume: The amount of space an object occupies.

Color: The quality of an object with respect to light reflected by the object.

Tone: The particular shade or hue of a color.

Texture: The visual and tactile quality of a surface.

Space: The illusion of depth on a two dimensional surface.

Perspective: Depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface.