Friday, March 21, 2014

Robot Mind Map

Talked to Cornell, gonna stick with the robot project (yesss). I remade my mind map too; it's not as good as the first one but I think it includes all of my same ideas.

Hard to read but there it is!

Future Careers

I found a lovely website to help research jobs, very helpful for high school students. I did research on marketing management and will attach the link for that page. It sounds very interesting but looks like I will have to learn Photoshop which is pretty annoying but not a big deal. 

Still trying to figure out projects and what the heck I'm even doing but I'll figure it out.

Onet Online- Marketing Mangement

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mind Mapping

I started Mind Mapping with robots, and that went really really well. I had great ideas, the map was cool, but, it wasn't what I was supposed to be doing. Then I lost that map.

So. I made a new one that focused more on the projects I'll be doing. In the future, next year.
This one wasn't quite as inspired, I wasn't sure what to put, and it's hard when you don't know how to insert pictures, or even if you can, but I did my best. And I figured out how to save, so I will include that picture. It's hard to see the words, but I did my best.

I'm a little lost. Not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. Photoshop? I can't just use google to teach that to myself, so that's stressful.

I guess I'll figure it out.

Monday, March 17, 2014

New Project- Advertising

I recently started a new project for advertising, which ties more into what I want to do in college so i thought it might be a better use of time since it's a little more applicable to life. I love my dino for sure but he'll be there when I'm done.
The project basically is to design the packaging and a slogan for an energy drink, for children. A bad idea in real life but an interesting one for this scenario. It's slow going because I have to learn Photoshop to properly show my design. But for now, it's in colored pencil. Picture included.