Friday, February 28, 2014

Vocab List

Analogous Colors are groups of colors that are next to or adjacent to each other on the color wheel. Typically, one color is dominant (called the Primary Color), and the two complimentary on either side of the primary color would be called Tertiary Colors. 

The Yellow Orange (YO) would be considered the primary color, with Yellow (Y) and Orange (O) being the tertiary colors.

Complementary Colors are pairs of colors that when combined (in the correct proportions) produce black or white. When the colors are next to each other, they create the strongest contrast. 

In the example shown, the pairs of colors are purple and yellow, red and green, and blue and orange.

Primary colors are colors that cannot be made by mixing any other colors, but can be combined to create a variety of other colors. The three primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.

In this example, you can see how the three colors mentioned before are not, or cannot, be made from other colors; the illustration shows how the three colors come together to form other colors.

Secondary Colors are made by mixing primary colors together. Examples of secondary colors are green, purple, and orange. You can see how these colors are made through the example for Primary Colors (above).

Tertiary Colors are made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color, or by mixing two secondary colors. 

Asymmetry is the absence of symmetry, which  means the two sides of an object are not equal.
Symmetry is when two sides of an object mirror each other, or have balance.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Robot Project

The project was to brainstorm some ideas for robots. The picture is a little hard to read but some of my ideas were an at home movie theater with robot arms that made you popcorn, candy, and soda; ear cuffs that played music directly into your brain so you could play it as loud as you wanted with no risk of bothering people around  you and no hearing damage (hypothetically controlled by brain waves, I'm not sure how realistic that is); prosthetic limbs that grew with your body, could be hyper realistic, and could grow muscle; and a version of Maya where you wear goggles and an arm piece that puts you inside the Maya grid and face to face with your models. I have a few tiny sketches but definitely need to work on better sketches! I'll get there eventually.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Full Mouth

With some help of Braden, Maya, and Cornell, I finally got all the teeth in and done! I'm almost not sure where to go now, but I will figure it out. Picture included.

T-Rex teeth in Maya

I was told to try doing the teeth in Maya, so I could group and duplicate instead of painstakingly duplicating each tooth in Mudbox. It worked so well and saved me so much time! Picture included.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

T-Rex's First Tooth!

It only took me about two class periods to get the tooth just right, but I'm finally happy with it and placing them in his mouth! Yay! 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

T-Rex: Mudbox (Work In Progress)

Temple: Maya

Here is the Temple project I completed using Maya.

Why I want to be in this class

I joined 3D Graphics mostly because of Braden. He loves this class, and I was curious about all the hype. Now, I'm excited because I can potentially create something awesome! I love art, and I've made like, collages, or sketches, or drawings. So it'll be interesting to see how something I can make like, not with my hands, will turn out. My Maya projects turned out pretty cool and I'm so excited to finish my Mudbox project! Hopefully one day I can make something that is really amazing, like the freaky vampire lady.