Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

Art Show 2014

Some pictures I took at the SHHS Art Show of art work that stood out to me.

From a sketchbook

This last one is my absolute favorite ever, I am in love with it.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Vocab #3

Rhythm: A patterned repetition of a motif.

Directional Movement: The illusion of movement in a two dimensional piece of artwork.

Proportion: Comparative relation between things.

Balance: A state of equilibrium.

Unity: The act of combining multiple units into one.

Harmony: A consistent or pleasant arrangement of parts.

Contrast: A striking exhibition of unlikeness.

Emphasis: Something that is given great stress or importance.

Vocab #2

Line: A long narrow mark or a stroke.

Shape: The quality of an object with an external surface.

Volume: The amount of space an object occupies.

Color: The quality of an object with respect to light reflected by the object.

Tone: The particular shade or hue of a color.

Texture: The visual and tactile quality of a surface.

Space: The illusion of depth on a two dimensional surface.

Perspective: Depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Pitching Ideas

The ideas I had were for Link from Zelda playing in Mario's world. I think it would combine huge fanbases and create a fun, new experience. Another idea would be that you were you, but shrunk down in Cornell's room. To win, you would have to figure out how to become full size again. There could be side challenges and quests too.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Robot Mind Map

Talked to Cornell, gonna stick with the robot project (yesss). I remade my mind map too; it's not as good as the first one but I think it includes all of my same ideas.

Hard to read but there it is!